Star Wars Biology Wiki

Gundarks were a vicious, non-sentient species from the planet Vanquor. They were feared to many, known as one of the most fearsome and strongest creatures in the galaxy.

Biology and appearance[]

Gundarks were a dark red, alarming species, with two pairs of arms featuring four clawed, opposable digits. Their large heads featured two front facing eyes and large ears, capable of hearing even the slightest of vibrations. Their large mouths contained several razor-sharp teeth, more on the lower, large jaw. On their muscular necks was a large mane of thick, brown hair. They had four mamilla on their muscular chests. Their legs were fingerlike, featuring one large clawed toe, almost indefinite to the rest of the leg. Their tails were thick and muscular, aiding them in the climbing of rocks and trees. They were carnivorous. They were a viviparous species, mating in trees during warm weather, all year round. When mating, males used their muscular tails to hold on to the females in order to increase chances of young. It was a loud and vicious mating cycle, and not uncommon to complete unhurt. After mating, gundarks went off, never to see their mates again, to mate the next year. They were surprisingly short lived for their reputation and size, becoming old and less agile at around thirty years of age, and near death at around thirty-five.

Taxonomy []

Classification Name
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Simivitiosata
Family Quattbrachidae
Genus Gundius
Species Gundius gundark
Although based on canonical information and does not contradict canonical material, some of this article's content is unconfirmed by an official source.
WookYou can read the canonical article about Gundarks on Wookieepedia. Wook
